Supercharged Oatmeal

Start your day off with a super charge of energy

Serves One

Per serving

Calories 390
Fat 14g
Carbs 44g
Protein 23g


    • ½ cup egg whites
    • 50g frozen blueberries
    • 20g Almond butter
50g Old Fashion Oats


  1. Measure oats dry and add water so that oats are covered
  2. Microwave oats for 1 min and 30 seconds, stir
  3. Add in raw egg whites and mix with partially cooked oats
  4. Microwave oats and egg whites for 2 minutes and 22 seconds
  5. Add in almond butter so that it melts and then add in blueberries and cinnamon to taste

Tips: Make sure your bowl is microwave safe and large so that your oats don’t spill over. Frozen blueberries work well because they cool down the oats so that you can eat it promptly after it is prepared. Trader Joe’s Almond butter does not have added Palm oil or sugar like most other almond butters. This recipes tastes much better with old fashion oats compared to quick oats.

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